Report 2020

Poland on the way to SDGs
Structure of the publication

The publication consists of five chapters (People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace and Partnership) which relate to areas of key importance for people and the planet and which have been defined in the Preamble to the 2030 Agenda as the so-called ‘5P’. The ‘5P’ principle is comprised of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), dividing them into thematic groups.

Each chapter of this publication shows the progress in achieving goals assigned to a particular area of the ‘5P’. The analysis of each SDG starts with a short note about the most important problems and changes on a global and regional scale. This provides context for the description of selected challenges facing Poland. Tendencies observed in Poland are compared against changes taking place in the European Union (as of 2019, i.e. when the EU consisted of 28 Member States).

Information scope

The publication is concerned with the progress in achieving goals and targets agreed upon at the international level. Indicators adopted by international bodies monitoring how effectively common challenges are overcome constitute the basis of the analysis. Problems facing today’s world have been presented by means of indicators used by the UN, and the analysis of changes in Poland by indicators selected by Eurostat to assess the achievement of EU sustainable development priorities. These indicators have been supplemented with statistical information allowing a more detailed description of phenomena.

Sustainable Development Goals are extremely broad and multi-faceted, and only their partial and general analysis is presented here. The main criteria for the selection of topics to be discussed were the availability of statistical data, the significance of the analysed issue in the context of Poland’s specificity, and the scale of the changes observed. The full range of SDG-related data for Poland is available on the national reporting platform SDG whose purpose is to report on such statistics for global and domestic needs.

The publication presents the latest available data. The description of the tendency assumes that data for the most recent available year (2019, if possible) describe Poland and the world’s present state. The availability of statistical data varies among international sources, which required the flexible approach to periods analysed and presented in the publication. The most problematic data to obtain were global and regional aggregates for the recent years. In order to capture the changes in time, two periods of reference have been adopted in the Report:

Taking into account the illustrative character of the publication, data used in the descriptions of tendencies have been greatly approximated. When presenting data as an integer (without decimal places), the following rule of rounding was applied: fractions from 0.01 to 0.49 were rejected, and fractions from 0.50 to 0.99 were rounded up to 1. Detailed data for indicators presented in a graphic form have been made available in tables.

Interactive elements

The publication takes advantage of the possibilities offered by its digital form. It features interactive graphs which refer Readers to tables with more detailed data. The Reader can download data in several different formats. In some places there are links to websites related to sustainable development or data sources.

Data sources

The publication used the Polish reporting platform SDG run by Statistics Poland and international databases operated by the UN and its agendas, as well as by Eurostat, OECD and the World Bank, as its data sources. In order to ensure comparability, data for Poland have also been taken from those databases. Therefore, values presented in the Report might slightly differ from values presented in Statistics Poland’s other publications.

Regional division of the world

The progress in the achievement of the goals on a global scale has been presented according to the regional division of the world adopted by the UN1. Due to the limited availability of data from international sources, it was not always possible to present the results for all parts of the world. The publication has adopted a division into the following regions and sub-regions:

- Northern Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Northern America
- Southern Asia
- South-eastern Asia
- Central Asia
- Eastern Asia
- Western Asia
- Southern Europe
- Northern Europe
- Eastern Europe
- Western Europe

1 A full list of regions, sub-regions and countries of which they consist is available on the UN Statistics Division website:

Report 2020
Poland on the way to SDGs
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Statistics Poland
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