Report SDG 2023
Women on the way to sustainable development
Autumn years
Active ageing of women in Poland

Residents of Poland age more and more actively, although compared to their EU counterparts, they rank among those ageing least actively. Polish women, as other European women, tend to age less actively than men.

Life expectancy of women in Poland

The share of elderly people in the population of Poland is growing and women on average live several years longer than men. Polish women also tend to remain in good health longer than men.

Scale of poverty among older women

The risk of facing poverty by senior women in Poland is lower than in the EU on average. Nevertheless, as in other EU countries, older women are more likely to experience poverty than men.

Women’s life after 60 vs disability

Over a decade, the number of people with disabilities has increased in Poland by more than a dozen percent. Most of them are women, and the greatest disproportion between the genders in this respect is observed among older people. An increase in the number of people treated in long term care facilities is also observed, with older women being the majority among the patients of such institutions.