Report SDG 2024
Children in the context of sustainable development
Care and upbringing of children
A child in a family

As a result of demographic changes, there are increasingly fewer households with children in Poland. Children are most often born to married couples, but in the last decade, the percentage of children brought up in informal relationships grew. The number of single-parent families slightly increased, more so in the case of lone fathers (who constitute a decisive minority among single-parents) than lone mothers.

Children in foster care

On average, one in a hundred children were brought up in foster care in the last decade in Poland. Most of them are taken care of in family foster care – approximately three quarters of them receives parenting support within foster families, while a quarter remain in institutional care.


In the last several years, the number of adoptions in Poland shrank. The youngest children get adopted most often, but the percentage of their adoptions fell, whereas the share of families which decided to adopt older children grew.

Juvenile delinquency and rehabilitation

Punishable acts committed by children and adolescents is a serious social problem. In Poland, the number of juveniles against whom educational or correctional measures or are adjudicated for punishable acts has been decreasing. Punishable acts are much more often committed by juvenile boys, although the share of girls in juvenile crime has been on the rise in the last few years.