Report SDG 2024
Children in the context of sustainable development
Poverty and deprivation
Risk of poverty and social exclusion

The financial and existential situation of children in Poland has been gradually improving since 2016. The living conditions of those entering adulthood have also improved compared to 2015, although it is the ‘young adults’ that form the group most often affected by poverty and social exclusion in Poland.

Unsatisfied needs and living conditions

The percentage of children and young adults living in conditions making it impossible for them to satisfy needs regarded as basic according to European standards is decreasing. But even though the quality of households in which children live is improving, still many of them live in overcrowded conditions.

Extreme poverty

The percentage of people living below the subsistence minimum fluctuates significantly in Poland; this also regards the youngest people and families with children. Periodic increases and decreases in the incidence of this phenomenon are determined on the one hand by the financial situation of households and overlapping external crises, and on the other by changes in the extreme poverty thresholds. Despite the cyclical changes, the incidence of extreme poverty is now lower than in 2015, both among the youngest people (aged 0-17) and almost in all types of households with dependent children. Nevertheless, extreme poverty still affects children more often than adults, and it is more extensive among the youngest than in the total population.

Main causes of poverty and social exclusion

The financial and existential situation of children depends mainly on their family situation, which, in turn, is mostly determined by the level of education and professional activity of the parents, and on the composition of the household. Children who are face the highest risk of poverty and social exclusion are those from multi-child or single-parent families, or those children whose parents’ level of education is the lowest and/or who work below their potential.