Report SDG 2024
Children in the context of sustainable development
Education and volunteering
The educational path of young Poles

Increasing numbers of children go to preschool before they start obligatory education, and at the same time, fewer young adults give up education when it ceases to be compulsory. At all levels of education, the percentage of students with disabilities and special educational needs is on the rise.

Young people of school age in the digital world

In Poland, as in the EU on average, young people of school age use the Internet more often than people from other age groups. Young Poles use the Internet most often for chatting and instant messaging. Polish youth's competence in Internet safety is lower than that of their EU counterparts, on average.

School results and skills

In 2022, the results of skills tests of students in Poland were one of the lowest in the whole history of conducting PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), but they were still higher than the OECD average (also one of the lowest in the entire history of PISA). The average results of primary school final exams in Poland improved compared to when the exam was first introduced, while the pass rate of secondary school leaving exams varied throughout the years.

Volunteering involvement

Like most of the Polish population, young people are more likely to participate in individual rather than institutional or organisational voluntary work. In 2022, the involvement of young people in voluntary service was lower than in 2016.